2019 Leadership Program - Now Accepting Applications

Are you looking to invest in your professional development? Do you enjoy the ODTUG community and are you looking to become more involved? The ODTUG leadership program is a great way to accomplish both goals and broaden your network. You will gain valuable leadership skills that will help you in your work and give you the opportunity to give back to ODTUG through your class project. I graduated from the program in 2017 and soon after accepted a promotion to an important leadership role in my organization. I enjoyed meeting my fellow classmates from across the US and abroad. We learned how to work together across time and space to provide a valuable contribution to ODTUG and put our new skills into practice. I made friends that I will have for life! 

After graduating, I became the program coordinator for 2018 and honored the traditions of past classes while adding a bit of my own approach. What a great experience to continue my involvement with the leadership program. You can expect monthly speakers in webinar format that address topics such as being influential, establishing your social media presence, maintaining a healthy work/life balance, embracing failure, and more. Each year the speakers and topics vary. The program also includes a group project that is assigned by the ODTUG board and becomes the capstone experience. Other aspects of the program are up to the coordinator and are sure to boost your leadership ability! I highly encourage you to apply if any of this sounds appealing to you!

If you're interested in applying, fill out this form. Applications are due Thursday, August 16, 2018. 
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