Join the 2024 ODTUG Board of Directors - Call for Nominations Now Open

The ODTUG Board of Directors is responsible for guiding the organization. With thoughtful leadership and strong community connections, the board ensures that ODTUG provides a meaningful member experience and maintains its reputation as one of the top user groups in the world.

We will be accepting nominations for the ODTUG Board of Directors September 6-21, 2023. After that time, the ODTUG membership will be invited to vote for two of this year's nominees. If you or someone you know has the enthusiasm and passion to serve the ODTUG community, please submit your nomination today.

Three directors will be appointed each year to serve three-year terms. Two directors will be elected annually by membership ballot and an additional director will be elected annually by the Board of Directors following the conclusion of the membership election.

Please note that your nomination is for an individual to serve on the board in a general capacity, not as an officer. Officers are elected by the board members. You may nominate yourself or a colleague. Please keep in mind that board members must be proactive individuals with time and energy to devote to the group. Personal commitment is the key to the group’s success, so nominees should be prepared to devote a consistent and considerable level of time and effort for the entire term served. Board members must be paid members of ODTUG.

Special Note: To be eligible to vote or run for office, your ODTUG membership must be paid and up to date no later than September 30, 2023.


Board Member Responsibilities

  • Develop and initiate policies and programs regarding the general direction of ODTUG membership, conferences, publications, and communications with Oracle Corporation.
  • Attend the annual ODTUG conference.
  • Participate in a monthly ODTUG Board of Directors teleconference of approximately 75 minutes.
  • Prepare monthly progress report(s).
  • Attend two face-to-face board meetings: planned for January 26-27, 2024, and July 2024.
  • Maintain an email address for board communications.
  • Chair and/or serve on at least one active committee.

ODTUG pays for all travel and per diem costs associated with official ODTUG Board of Directors meetings. Board members are expected to pay for and maintain their ODTUG memberships.


Current Board Members Whose Terms Will Expire December 31, 2023

  • ace.png  Tim German
  • ace.png  Karen Cannell
  • Neviana Zhgaba


Nomination Guidelines and Deadlines
All nominees must be ODTUG members who have paid their dues and are in good standing. Nominees must read and agree to the terms of the ODTUG bylaws. Please submit your nomination with a campaign statement, brief biography, brief summary of the member’s experience serving in user group volunteer positions (if any), headshot picture of the nominee in JPG format, and agreement to the bylaws.

The campaign statement (no more than 250 words) should include why you are interested in becoming a board member, your experience with ODTUG or similar groups, what specific talent/experience you possess that could enhance the leadership of ODTUG, and your goals if elected to the board. Feel free to add hyperlinks as nominations will be posted electronically. Hyperlinks will count toward the word limit.

  • The biography (no more than 150 words) should include your professional biographical information, experience with Oracle tools, current and past employers, publication information, education, and other background information you feel would paint a clear picture of your leadership abilities and knowledge of Oracle tools. Please do not include personal information regarding family or hobbies.
  • If mailing or faxing your submission, please include a written agreement to the bylaws. Electronic submissions must agree to the bylaws before the submission is accepted.
  • You must agree that in regard to your service as a director of ODTUG, you will disclose any actual or potential conflict of interest, or any situation that might give the appearance of a conflict of interest.


Deadline: Thursday, September 21, 2023, 11:59 p.m. (PDT-US)

Submission Link:   Online Nomination Form

Sample Campaign Statement and Bio

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ODTUG Board Member Nomination Example

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Join the 2025 ODTUG Board of Directors - Call for Nominations Now Open