EPM Woman of the Quarter

EPM Community, News, Women In Technology (WIT),

Meet Jennifer Gammons, ODTUG's EPM Woman of the Quarter. Read the interview below to learn more about her origins and what Jennifer does to leave her mark on EPM.

How did you get into a career in the EPM technology space?

I stumbled into a career in EPM due to my company's need for someone to assist with a migration of Hyperion-Enterprise to Hyperion-HFM. At that time I was an accountant. After exposure to the administrative side of HFM, I realized that the EPM space allowed me to be challenged more frequently and exercise the natural inclination I have to solve puzzles. Additionally, collaborating with users is a great fit for my outgoing personality. I have found great satisfaction in streamlining manual processes and operations.

What advice do you have for other women who are considering a career in the EPM technology space?

Stay curious! With the evolution of the cloud, technology is changing faster than ever before, and with all the competing priorities for women today we must prioritize our continued career growth based on skills that are in alignment with our interests and strengths. Step out of your comfort zone and take on the hard projects. There will be items you will need to learn by self-study, or ask for assistance on from a seasoned colleague. The projects you are most proud of are the ones that push you. Be your own advocate for your career and be confident in your unique skillset by speaking up in meetings, contributing to discussions, and asking questions to further your knowledge.

What brought you to ODTUG?

ODTUG offers like-minded industry experts in EPM a wide bandwidth of knowledge. EPM products are the same "shell" for each company, but each company's EPM is set up differently due to customization. I enjoy discussing with peers their diverse approach to tackling an operational problem using EPM tools. This allows me to expand the way I can address my own challenges and consider different solutions.

What is your favorite ODTUG Kscope memory or most important takeaway from attending ODTUG Kscope?

Events at ODTUG help to address issues women in tech face, such as underrepresentation. Each year I look forward to the Women in Technology luncheon at Kscope This event allows me to discuss with my peers not only issues we face as women professionally, but also personally.