Why join Oracle Developer and Technology User Group?

The People

Lasting friendships are found through Oracle Developer & Technology User Group. Many joined because it was the user group for their industry or because they needed to attend the conference for work... but they stayed because of the relationships they made. Many of us have seen our careers take off and though we initially joined as developers, we stay in leadership positions because of the deep connections made through the years.

The Content

As an Oracle user, you will find yourself asking questions, looking for new ways to do something, trying to enhance your user experience, dealing with issues, and more. Oracle Developer & Technology User Group gives you a huge network of people to rely on for help! Get answers, learn new tips and tricks, see what others have done to solve your problem and share your experience! With year-round webinars in addition to the amazing content at Oracle Developer & Technology User Group Kscope each June, you are sure to find a solution to an issue you are facing - or friendly colleagues to help you tackle it!

The Best User Conference There Is!

Oracle Developer & Technology User Group Kscope is an amazing event. It's chock full of valuable content and it's a total blast! You don't quite know until you've done it... it's truly the best user conference out there. With days of hands on activities and immediately applicable learning opportunities, complete with re-usable code in some cases, plus a whole lot of fun and cool swag mixed in... you'll be engaged non-stop the whole time and you'll take home both memories and keepsakes. The special event is always amazing... It's worth every penny to attend this fantastic conference year after year.

Professional Development

What better way to advance your career than to present your work to others in your industry and gain recognition for your achievements! You'll learn from peers, receive helpful feedback, enhance your presentation skills, and meet leaders in your field. Members can take advantage of year-round benefits like webinars, meetups, and other networking opportunities to stay engaged and make a name for yourself. You never know where an Oracle Developer & Technology User Group connection might lead you!


Not everyone who joins Oracle Developer & Technology User Group can make it to the conference to make lasting personal connections, but many people utilize the vast network to expand their own professional community. A connection made through Oracle Developer & Technology User Group can lead you to other people who may be helpful down the road in your career. There are many opportunities for networking in Oracle Developer & Technology User Group, including social media, meetups, online communities, and of course Oracle Developer & Technology User Group Kscope!  

Educational Opportunities

Sometimes people want to learn something completely new and Oracle Developer & Technology User Group offers an excellent opportunity to get out of your comfort zone and your day-to-day work to explore other technologies you haven't worked with before. There are many content areas at Oracle Developer & Technology User Group Kscope and on the Oracle Developer & Technology User Group website, so these are great places to learn about new releases, products, enhancements, approaches, applications, methodologies, case studies, and more. Keep your technical knowledge up-to-date, whether you are "in the weeds" or staying high level, Oracle Developer & Technology User Group offers many learning opportunities for all its members!

Share Your Experience

Many professionals have been around long enough to have work they are quite proud of and look to share with others. Oracle Developer & Technology User Group offers many avenues for sharing your experience. The most well-known is speaking as a conference presenter, but there are also webinars, meetups, online forums, and social media platforms that reach the 36K+ strong Oracle Developer & Technology User Group community! This is a great way to give back to this amazing community of like-minded professionals and keep the industry strong.

Industry Support Group

Oracle Developer & Technology User Group is "where the experts are" and it truly is like an industry support group for Oracle tool developers and users. It stands apart because of the emphasis on content, rather than sales. You will find candid discussions both from Oracle "insiders" as well as customers, dealing with the good and the bad! No problem is too large to be discussed at Oracle Developer & Technology User Group Kscope or through the Oracle Developer & Technology User Group network. You are bound to find strong support for your work and help addressing challenges. There is ample time to connect and share with Oracle representatives in a sales-free and open environment. They really value and respond to the feedback from Oracle Developer & Technology User Group members!

Hear what Debra and Natalie have to say...

The Importance of User Groups: Debra Lilley, Certus Solutions, Natalie Delemar, Ernst & Young

In the modern, digital world in which we now live, what is the value of a user group? Can we not get the content from Google, YouTube or Oracle direct? Join Debra and Natalie as they discuss where they think the user group delivers additional value, the networking, the learning, the sharing of stories and challenges, and most of all the fun.

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